
January 11th - Day 11

Job 29-31

January 11, 2020 • Jim McCracken

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January 11th

Our Bible reading is Job chapters 29, 30, 31.

After reading yesterday’s texts, we were ready to add Job’s name to the physical record in Hebrews 11...that “Hall of Faith” that included the likes of Abel and Enoch and Noah and Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Moses and Rahab and Gideon and Samson and Daniel and martyrs for the Good News of God in Christ...all of whom the world was not worthy...and on and on....people who believed God...in all kinds of circumstances...Trusting in Him for their salvation.

Am I still sold on Job for induction into God’s Hall of Faith?

After today’s reading, maybe not as unanimously as I felt yesterday. Job’s attitude changes a bit...***justifying himself rather than deferring to God’s unseen and still perfect plans for His glory. ...a common default even by committed believers, being pressed beyond measure. Moving on...

These three chapters pretty much end Job’s debate with his friends over the cause of his suffering. These verses comprise Job’s last appeal to God for an understandable and reasonable cause for his months of misery in body and soul. He seems to concentrate on his case rather than on God’s...almost losing sight of the fact that God knows what He is doing...and He doesn't have to tell us. After this year, Job has not changed his mind, even before God. He still doesn't believe his critics that he has earned this pain with his sinning. (Somewhere in there I agree)...And Job continues:

“Would someone who has been known by his close fellowship with God continue in sin this much, this long?” “No...” Job would retort.
Would someone in fellowship with God be the eyes to the blind?...the feet to the lame?...the father to the needy? “Yes, Job would rhetorically answer.” That’s me...You know it’s me.” What’s going on here? Why won't you change things for me?”

“Is not calamity for the unrighteous? Is not disaster for the workers of iniquity? Why don't you see my ways? I don't deserve this. “

“If I have walked with unconfessed falsehood and hastened to deceive...If my steps have turned aside from Your way...and my heart has gone after immorality without remorse...if I have not paid for service rendered in my fields, let thorns grow instead of wheat...all of that together would be a heinous crime, an iniquity punishable by the judges...even to the fires of Abbadon.” Job compares himself with others....another “go-to” place, even for sincere believers, when they are trying to make sense out of heartache on their own.

Job then finishes his closing remarks before the Righteous Judge/Almighty God...(Remember, Job still does not know and understand God’s contest with satan...) “O I wish that You would put in writing the reasons for my suffering. This would surely clear me of all the charges made against me by friend and foe alike.”

Is Job still a champion in the faith? Knowing the end of the story, and knowing the “imperfect” stories of other giants in the faith...I say yes.

But our true champion in the faith is Jesus. Always has been...always will be. Everything about his life and ministry, including his incredible suffering, was never about him....it was always about the Father and His glory and His amazing grace toward us! Amen and Amen!