
Making Disciples

Mission Statement

January 15, 2017 • Michael McCracken

Mission Statement

Additional Scripture References:

Hebrews 5:11-14

Study Questions:

1. What things stuck out to you from this text? Is there anything in this text that challenges you?

2. When or at what points in your life does it mean the most to you that you are child of God…chosen…adopted…dearly loved…richly blessed? When or at what points in your life is it the most meaningful to you that you are a servant of the King? When or at what points in your life is it most meaningful to you that you are sent out? Why do you think this is? Do you struggle with any of these? Why?

3. What is an area of our life where you struggle to obey Jesus? Answering the following questions might help you with this specific area. It would help to do this with a small group of people around you.

-What lie are you believing from the enemy or what truth are you failing to believe?

-Who or what are you looking to as your savior, hope, comfort, redeemer above Jesus?