
Jesus Won

Therefore, We Can Actually Love Our Kids And Our Jobs

May 25, 2014 • Michael McCracken

Study Questions:

1. What does it look like to bring your children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord?

2. How can we know if we are people pleasers? How do we combat this?

3. Take some time and ask God to help you better understand and know how He sees you as well as others.

4. Pray for the future of our church. Pray for wisdom and discernment for the elders of our church specifically as it regards our future location. Pray that God would make ready our hearts to be a part of this huge next step for ARCC. Pray that it would result in many people coming to know Jesus, leading to many disciples being made, leading to many being sent out with the gospel to the nations.

Additional Scripture References:

1 Corinthians 7:17-27

More from Ephesians