
Did Jesus Really Exist?

Kyle Butt

Did Jesus really exist? Two thousand years ago, that question wouldn’t have been asked because people would have seen a living, breathing man first-hand. Join Kyle Butt as he presents evidence of Jesus’ existence in “Did Jesus Really Exist?”

6 Reasons to Believe in Jesus

Kyle Butt

Jesus Christ is the most well-known person from ancient history. But He claimed to be much more than a mere http://man...he claimed to be God. What evidence do we have for the extraordinary claim? Join Kyle Butt as he presents “6 Reasons to Believe in Jesus.”

6 Prophecies that Prove Jesus is from God

Kyle Butt

The Old Testament is filled with Messianic prophecies, written hundreds of years before Jesus lived. Only the Son of God could fulfill them. Join Kyle Butt as he takes an in-depth look at “6 Prophecies that Prove Jesus is from God.”

Jesus and Miracles

Kyle Butt

A miracle is an event that defies natural laws and it can only be accounted for with a supernatural explanation. Jesus Christ is the most famous miracle-worker of all time. Join Kyle Butt as he presents a video lesson on “Jesus and Miracles.”