
What is God?

Search God

Kyle Butt

Over the millennia, humans have conjured up a host of alleged deities. Yet only one God exists and He is the God of the Bible. He is spirit--the perfect, ultimate Mind.

More from Search God

Is There a God?

Kyle Butt

The physical Universe is a massive effect that must have an adequate cause. The presence of physical laws as well as human morality are evidence of a Creator Who designed the material realm and we humans who reside within it.

How Big is God?

Branyon May

A.P. auxiliary scientist Branyon May holds a Ph.D. in Astrophysics. His years of in-depth study in matters pertaining to space and our vast Universe has led him to the rational conclusion that an infinite, eternal, omnipotent God exists.

Where is God?

Kyle Butt

While the God of the Bible is in His spiritual realm of heaven, He is omnipresent and infinite.