
Part 5: Adonai

Unfathomable Sermon Series

October 23, 2022 • Pastor Rob Danz • Genesis 15:1–6

Adonai is a powerful name of God that we find in the scripture, but it’s also a posturing of our hearts. God, our Adonai, calls all His people to acknowledge themselves as His servants, claiming His right to reign as Lord of our lives. Pastor Rob Danz preaches part 5 of our Unfathomable sermon series.

Part 6: He is Mercy

October 30, 2022 • Pastor Rob Danz • 2 Corinthians 1:3–4, Luke 6:36

We find the love of God in what He has given us, but we can also find an abundance of the love of God in what He HAS NOT given us. Mercy is an amazing characteristic of the Lord who has not only withheld from us the death we deserve because of our sin, but mercy is also His character of compassion and lovingkindness. Part 6 of the Unfathomable Sermon Series is titled "He is Mercy".

Part 4: He is Sovereign

October 16, 2022 • Pastor Rob Danz

Part 4 of our Unfathomable sermon series is titled "He is Sovereign". An understanding of the sovereignty of God will change so much of our understanding of who He is and who we are not. What does it mean that God is sovereign and how does freewill play into it all? Are we just puppets, or does our response to the sovereign things of God mean something more?

Part 3: He Is Good

September 18, 2022 • Pastor Rob Danz • Exodus 33:18–19, 1 John 1:5

There is a difference between saying "God is good" and truly believing that in every area of our lives. The scripture is clear that He is good, and when we have a real understanding of that, it will manifest itself in our lives in many powerful ways. The goodness of God is not a variable, it’s an unchanging reality in every situation and moment for all eternity. Pastor Rob Danz continues our Unfathomable sermon series with part 3: He is Good.