Free Indeed 2025

February 22, 2025
8:00 - 10:00am
Registration is full

In 2022 and 2023, God allowed our membership to come together to pay off the church’s and youth activity center’s mortgages. While planning programs for 2024, Pastor Adolph and I had a goal to use that same effort to help families pay off their debts as well. 

The church wide program, called Free Indeed, was launched!! Individuals, who chose to participate, attended free classes and workshops that gave them practical solutions to help them tell their money where to go…instead of always wondering where it went. 

The finance department partnered with the media department to produce a weekly podcast that is aired on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple, called It’s Crystal Clear Podcast. 

Viewers are able to hear lessons ranging from goal setting, to using the “Snowball Method” to pay off loans, to eliminating their “Latte Factor” to free up money to fund their God given dreams.

Families from various economic backgrounds with specific financial goals became intentional about their spending habits. In order to reach new goals, old debt had to be eliminated to free up their money. 

To say they knocked this challenge out the park is an understatement. To date, $2.1 million in old debt is GONE!! 

Student loans were forgiven, credit cards were paid off, cars were paid off, personal loans were paid off………HOUSES were paid off. And we give God all the praise, glory, and honor for allowing such a tremendous blessing to happen for our families.

We’re offering another FREE workshop this year (2025)….. 

So sign up & share!!!