
Jesus Claimed To Be God

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Karl Payne • Exodus 3:13–15, Daniel 7:13–14, John 8:58, John 10:27–33, Mark 14:62–64

To find out more about Antioch Bible Church and Pastor Karl Payne, visit www.abchurch.org to find out more.

Message Outline:

I. The Controversy

II. The Foundations

III. Jesus's Claim

IV. Who Heard the Claim?

V. The Application

Life Group Questions

1. Identify and explain Bible verses where Jesus Christ claimed to be God.

2. Identify and explain Bible verses where Jesus made statements about Himself that only make sense if He was claiming to be God.

3. Identify and explain bible verses where Jesus’ friends and enemies understood Him to be claiming to be God.