

February 20, 2022 • Pastor Herb Hartso III • John 11:17–44

Continuing the series "Healing a Mental Mess", Pastor Herb's message on grief is predominantly out of John 11:17-44.
The Outline:
1) Jesus Weeps With Us
2) Weeping Willows

Pastor Herb shares that there are "strategies that promote healing" and "strategies that hinder healing", all with scriptural basis.


March 6, 2022 • Pastor Herb Hartso III • Matthew 11:28–30

The final in the series "Healing a Mental Mess", Pastor Herb focuses on "Rest". Main scripture: Matthew 11:28-30. "We feel the pressure and anxiety from the demands of life. When we attach ourselves to Jesus, we will find rest for our souls." Purpose: Trust God by resting. Outline: Strategy of Rest 1) Rest Daily: Sleep 2) Rest Weekly: Sabbath 3) Rest Monthly: Solitude "Fatigue makes cowards of us all" - Vince Lombardi For more information on Antioch Bible Church, please visit us at http://www.abchurch.org or call us at 425-556-5905


February 13, 2022 • Pastor Herb Hartso III

Pastor Herb's third sermon in this series is on Depression. The Outline for this sermon: 1) Helping Yourself: Writing a Lament 2) Helping Others: Willing to Listen David "found hope in his depression by bringing his sorrow to God. Writing a personal lament is helpful because your protest sets the framework for praise." The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline # is: 1-800-273-8255.


February 6, 2022 • Pastor Herb Hartso III

Pastor Herb's second sermon in "Healing A Mental Mess"- is titled "Anxiety" The main scripture reference is out of Philippians 4:6-9. The Outline of today's sermon is: 1) Response for Anxiety 2) Remedies for Anxiety 3) Reality- Test for Anxiety You'll hear many great truths from scripture and even that "modern science has proven that the brain can change with directed mind input (neuroplasticity)." "It has been found that 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an 8-week period can change the brain to such an extent that it can be measured on a brain scan." -Dr. Caroline Leaf