
February 4th Bulletin

The Worship of God
Antioch Baptist Church
3868 Antioch Church Road
Sandston, Virginia 23150
February 4, 2018 at 11:00 a.m.

11:00 Worship
Chiming of the Hour
*Welcome, Opportunity of Service, Fellowship ................Reid Adams
*Gathering Hymn #28…....Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
*Invocation and Lord’s Prayer………………..…………..Reid Adams
Children’s Time…………..……………..……..…........... Tina Parsons
*Offertory Hymn #121…..Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne…..Matthews
*Offertory Prayer …….…………….................................Brian Moretz
Interlude……………………………………..…….…….Starlet Knight
*Doxology Hymn #253
Pastoral Prayer……………………………………....Pastor Greg Soult
Special Music……. “Anyone Who Calls on the Name”………...Choir
Sermon…..……………. “Worship is Trust”….......Pastor Greg Soult
Scripture: Genesis 22:1-19
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Invitational Hymn #524…..We’re Marching to Zion
*Postlude ………….…….….….…….……………..…..Starlet Knight