November 24, 2024 • Andrew Clark • Matthew 6:25–34
As we close the series, we come to Jesus' well-known teaching on anxiety. What does seeking the kingdom have to do with living a peace-filled life?
Where Is Your Treasure?
November 17, 2024 • Joel Maginnis • Matthew 6:19–24
The kingdom of God, Jesus teaches us, by design works differently than the world's kingdom. A natural part of kingdom life is planning out how we are to wisely invest our resources. Jesus teaches that where our focus rests, our worship is sure to follow. In this text, He is going to show us what it means to have an undivided focus so we can invest in things of eternal significance.
Fasting (The Means & The End)
November 10, 2024 • Andrew Clark • Matthew 6:16–18
As Jesus teaches on fasting, we learn something important about the heart of God - he cares just as much about our motives as he cares about our practices. Both are important, and in this teaching Jesus shows us the reward in engaging fully and joyfully with practices in order to find God at the end.