One day, we will all be judged by a just and loving God, and for those in Christ we rejoice in the fact that we are hidden and secure in him. Will we live in light of that day with joy and expectation, or will we settle for the approval of those around us? One path leads to death, the other life. Which will you choose today?
What Comes For Us All
July 17, 2022 • Andrew Clark • 1 Peter 4:1–6
God's Grace and Our Response
August 21, 2022 • Joel Maginnis • 1 Peter 5:12–14
God's grace is a multifaceted characteristic. The Apostle Peter commands us to stand firm in the grace. God's grace invites and commands our obedience by reminding us who we are, what we should expect as Christians and what our responsibility is as the body of Christ.
The Hidden Life
August 14, 2022 • Andrew Clark • 1 Peter 5:6–11
Are we truly humble? Are we like Jesus? We have a choice before us: we can pursue to the hidden life of God, resting and waiting under his mighty hand, or we can pursue the outer life and all of the prestige the world offers. Only one leads to true life, but will we have the humility to follow Jesus and receive his rest?
Leading & Following
August 7, 2022 • Andrew Clark • 1 Peter 5:1–5
All true leadership is about service to others, and in the church, this is the calling for those who shepherd God’s people as we imitate Jesus himself. Pastors are to submit themselves to the leadership of Christ first, and then steward the flock that belongs to God through their service. Finally, all of us are called to lead ourselves, clothing ourselves in humility towards one another as we pursue the way of Jesus together.