
King Over Our Freedom

Colossians 2:6-15

June 14, 2020 • Pastor Andrew Clark

As we receive Christ and his forgiveness, we learn to then walk in him as well, rooted in him and abounding in gratitude. Walking in Christ requires a watchfulness for false freedom that we may avoid it; walking in Christ also mean our adherence the fullness of the freedom purchased for us. It is only in the love and grace of Christ that true freedom and life, for which our souls crave and ache, is truly found.

More from Colossians

King Over Our Endings

September 13, 2020 • Pastor Allen Coleman

It is fitting that the conclusion to Colossians emphasizes the need to end well. The Apostle Paul was a fitting model for us all and yet, even he, reminds us we can't do it alone. In the finale to this 12-week series, Pastor Allen introduces us to the Disciple's Dozen: 12 personalities every church member needs to finish well.

King Over Our Jobs

September 6, 2020 • Pastor Allen Coleman

Is Jesus king over every sphere of your life? The workplace is one of the areas where we really find out how compartmentalized or comprehensive our faith is. This week, Pastor Allen invites us to fully examine our orientation to those we work for and places we work at.

King Over Our Children

August 30, 2020 • Pastor Allen Coleman

Children are a blessing from the Lord, but how do we steward this blessing? How do we love them well and prepare them to be men and women who understand and live out the gospel? Scripture guides us in the ways of love, discipline, and the bringing up our children in the way they should go, as families and as a church.