Our sin and domestication can lead us to be conceited and conflicted. Conversely, a content church preaches revelation over speculation, prioritizes grace over blessing, praises weakness over strength, and promotes Jesus over everything.
Reforming All Hypocrites and Control Freaks
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
March 21, 2021 • Allen Coleman
Domesticating All Bikers and Smokers
March 14, 2021 • Allen Coleman
In our early days of following Jesus, our faith is more “free-range”; we are excited, motivated, and eager to live to Jesus. Along the way, our faith can become domesticated, not by the gospel but by religious expectation. Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, he came to make bound people free.
Calling All Haunted and Condemned
March 7, 2021 • Allen Coleman
When a Christian reflects on their life, very often, they will find it has been lived in light of three ghosts: (1) the ghosts behind, (2) the ghosts ahead, and (3) the ghost within. Pastor Allen applies this paradigm to the experiences of his own life and brokenness. Through his story, we can see how Jesus can save anye haunted and condemned person because He has been conferred the authority to do so.