
What is the Church?

January 1, 2012 • Matt Larson

"What exactly is the church?" That's one of those questions that so many of us struggle to answer well. We want to take some time as a body and discover what is the purpose of the church. This week, Matt Larson talks about the church; What it is, what it isn't, and gives us some direction for the rest of this upcoming series.

What is Corporate Worship?

February 12, 2012 • Matt Larson

What are Spiritual Gifts?

February 5, 2012 • Andy Rodgers

This week, Andy Rodgers teaches us what the Bible says about spiritual gifts. In this message we learn that the Holy Spirit has given us all abilities to build one another up and glorify Jesus.

What is Community?

January 29, 2012 • Matt Larson

This week, Matt Larson teaches us what the Bible says about how we should live in community with one another. We are designed to be in relationships with one another, and we see that most clearly in the local church body that is seeking to glorify Jesus Christ.