
Happy are Those Who Know They Need God; Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

January 30, 2022 • Rev. Jason Micheli • Isaiah 43:1–7, Isaiah 43:10–11, Isaiah 43:22–25

As Walter Brueggemann observes of God calling blind and deaf Israel to bear witness on his behalf, the point is not that even though God’s people may be blind or deaf, they too nevertheless have some witness of their own to offer. The point is rather that disability— that is, our sin and our shortcomings, our HELPLESSNESS— is the necessary qualification to testify truthfully to the character of this God. Because above all else, this God is not just (THANK GOD). This God is gracious.: “I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.”