
The Road to Shalom

Chapter 2

May 22, 2023 • Angus Buchan

! grabbed an axe and went outside. A group of young men were climbing out of the truck, so I held up my weapon as I went towards them. I would get them before they got me…

In this episode:

Chapter 2

About the book:

The inspiring true story of farmer Angus Buchan shows how faith can carry you through the darkest times in your life. Angus’ life changed completely when he accepted Jesus as Savior, going from an angry, hard-drinking man to a passionate servant of God. His bold faith carried him through droughts, family tragedy and financial crisis. Since his conversion, he’s travelled across the world in his ministry, set up a children’s home, written several books and inspired thousands of people with messages on TV, radio and during conferences. This book will inspire and deeply touch your heart and renew your confidence in the power of God and His care and provision for His children.