

The Mountain Then Ministry

September 25, 2024 • Angus Buchan • Luke 9:33

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 25th of September, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We go to the Gospel of Luke 9:33. 

”Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

First the mountain, and then the ministry. Jesus took the three men, the three disciples, Peter, James and John, up the Mount of Transfiguration, and they had an incredible encounter with the Living God and two of the greatest characters in the Bible, yes - Moses and Elijah. They were so overwhelmed when they heard our Heavenly Father speaking to His Son, Jesus Christ, and saying, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased” that they just wanted to stay on top of the mountain.

Now, have you ever been in that situation? Of course you have! So have I. To have an encounter with the Living God, whether it be in a meeting where someone brings an incredible word of God, whether you are in a situation where it is absolutely peaceful and tranquil, and you can feel the presence of the Lord, and you don’t want to leave, you don’t want to go back into the rat-race of life, you just want to stay apart. Now, that is how the disciples felt. “Lord, we don’t want to go back down there. We want to stay up here with You. You see, folks, the people who are lost, the people who are sick, the people that are lonely, the people that are fearful, they are living in the valley. We have got to go down from the mountain, back down into the valley, roll up our sleeves and get stuck in and help them. We have got to pass on those precious truths that the Lord has given to us, to those who are desperately seeking. We have got to tell people the experiences that we have had on the mountain with the Lord Jesus Christ. We can’t stay up there forever. We have got to go down into the valley where the great need is.

We also need to pass the baton to the new Christians - not always easy. You say, “No, they can’t do it, they are too young.” Yes they can and they will and when you pass on the baton, they in turn will tell others and that is how the ministry grows. As soon as a man holds that precious thing to himself and he won’t share it, it dies in his hands. Dad, pass it on to your son. “Oh, but he is not old enough yet!” Yes, he is! “But he is not responsible enough” Give him a chance. Mother, pass it on to your daughter. Give her an opportunity, “Yes, but she is not ready for it.” Yes, she is. Give her an opportunity to show you what she can do when you start to trust her, because that is what the Lord wants us to do. First, the mountain then the ministry.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,
