I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Tuesday morning, the 31st of December, 2024. It is the last day of this year - for some of us, we're saying, "Wow, we made it," Others are saying, "Man, it's been tough!"
But I want to speak to you about something very special today if we go to John 11:35 - two words:
"Jesus wept."
Jesus cried - I want to say today that we must feel free to cry. Some of you listening to this have lost a loved one in 2024. You are going into 2025 very shortly without that person. Others are facing unemployment; maybe your business is going bankrupt, yes, and I encourage you to feel free to cry tears. Graham Lacey, a man I respect a lot, said: "Tears are words that the heart cannot say." Isn't that beautiful? When a person is struggling, put your arm around them and weep with them. That will minister to them more than a big sermon, I can tell you right now.
"Tears are the silent language of grief." - Voltaire.
I've been through some tough times myself, and the people who have ministered to me the most when I've been in the deepest depths of despair are those who sit and look at me with tears running down their faces. They don't have to say anything more. "Tears can be trusted more than a smile." You know, you can smile and people say: "How are you?" "No, I'm fine, thank you..." But you're not okay. When the tears flow, then you make your feelings evident.
"Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning."
Psalm 30:5
Share tears with other people. Lastly, Graham was saying that God harvests our tears; he keeps them in a bottle. As you face the new year, I encourage you to be honest with yourself and others. I also want to remind you there will be no tears in Heaven, none at all. The Lord will wipe away every tear we've ever cried (Revelation 21:4). Remember the founder of the Salvation Army, General William Booth when his soldiers wrote back to him and said, "We're having no joy." He sent back a letter with two words on it: Try tears. That great evangelist, Charles Finney, said that where there are no tears and no amens, there will be no revival. Peter went out and wept bitterly, as the Bible says in Luke 22:62 after he betrayed his Master no less than three times. Yes, we all make mistakes. We've made plenty in 2024. Let's attempt not to do so in 2025. Let's shed a tear instead of making a noise. Let us rather put our arms around those suffering and learn to weep with them sincerely.
God bless you, and have a wonderful day.