
Complete In Christ

Complete in Christ - Part 1

April 7, 2024

The book of Colossians is filled with transformative truths! Join me as we explore powerful and encouraging themes from Chapter 1 in the first part of our “Complete in Christ” series. We reflect on the secure hope and inheritance we have in Heaven, fully protected by God. We also delve into a more Jesus-centered view of God’s will and the inspiring result of knowing it. And we address the myth of needing to “put God first,” uncovering the freeing reality that everything is spiritual and Christ is our life in all things. I invite you to check out this message to deepen your understanding of your completeness in Christ! Discussion Questions for Colossians 1:1-20: 1. Read verse 5. What does it mean to you that your hope is laid up in Heaven, fully protected by God? What does it mean for your salvation? Your inheritance? 2. Read verse 6. React to this statement: The message of God’s grace is constantly bearing fruit all over the world. 3. Read verses 9-10. How does this passage inspire a more Jesus-centered view of “knowing God’s will”? What is God’s will? What is the result of knowing it? 4. Read verse 12. React to this statement: The Father has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints. 5. Read verse 13. What exactly do you think this verse is describing? So, what happened to you? And when? 6. Read verse 14. React to this statement: You already have both redemption and forgiveness in Christ. You don’t need to ask God daily for either one! 7. Read verses 16-17. What does it mean to you that Jesus Christ is your Creator? What does this say about His knowledge of you? 8. Read verse 18. React to this statement: Jesus already has first place in the church and in you. He is your life!

Complete in Christ - Part 2

April 14, 2024

In this next installment of our “Complete in Christ” series, we explore redemption, reconciliation, and our full assurance in Christ. We uncover the mystery Paul refers to and address false teaching and universalism. We also reflect on the practical implications of being complete in Christ and what it means to labor and strive according to God’s power at work within us. Enjoy! Discussion Questions for Colossians 1:21-2:6: 1. Read verse 22 and react to this statement: I am reconciled to God and holy and blameless forever. 2. Read verse 23. How does this passage respond to those who twist the meaning of this passage to promote a universal salvation? (Hint: Notice the “if” and the condition that follows.) 3. Read verses 26-27 and Colossians 2:2. What is the mystery Paul is referring to? What does this mystery mean to you personally? 4. Read verse 28. What does it mean for us to be complete in Christ? What practical implications does this have in your life? How does this help you avoid distractions? 5. Read verse 29 and react to this statement: It’s not legalism to labor and strive according to God’s power at work within me. 6. Read Colossians 2:2. In your own words, explain what is “the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding.” 7. Read Colossians 2:6. What attitude or approach did we have at salvation? How can we walk in that same approach today (after we’re saved)?

Complete in Christ - Part 3

April 21, 2024

Colossians 2 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. Paul writes with electrifying passion and conviction about powerful truths, including the dangers of following religious traditions and the futility of trying to improve or eliminate the “you” whom God has raised up. We also see the entire Gospel message encapsulated in two verses, and we discover the inherent problem with rule-keeping and what it means to “let Christ rule” instead. Engage with this next message in our Colossians series and celebrate your completeness in Christ! Discussion Questions for Colossians 2:8-23: 1. Read verse 8. What “traditions of men” can get in the way of truth today? 2. Read verses 9-10. What does it mean to you to be complete in Christ? 3. Read verse 11 and react to this statement: The flesh has been stripped away from me. I’m always in the Spirit. When I choose fleshly thinking, it’s a dead way to me! 4. Read verse 12 and consider: Are you still trying to improve (or eliminate) the “you” whom God has raised up? 5. Read verses 13-14. How do these two verses encapsulate the whole Gospel message? 6. Read verse 15. Who was disarmed by Jesus? How? 7. Read verses 16-17. How is a Sabbath day a shadow? What is the substance? 8. Read verses 18-19. What exactly is the prize? How do some try to defraud us of enjoying the prize? 9. Read verses 20-23 and react to this statement: It’s not about rules. It’s about letting Christ rule by faith.

Complete in Christ - Part 4

April 28, 2024

In this illuminating journey through the first half of Colossians 3, we’ll uncover the inspiration Paul offers for renewing our minds and thinking differently. We’ll also delve into the beautiful concept that our lives are hidden with Christ in God and celebrate the truth about our closeness to Him. And we’ll unpack what it means to “put on” the outside what’s already on the inside, reflecting what we’ve received from God to others. I look forward to exploring these transformative truths with you as we deepen our knowledge of our new identity in Christ! Discussion Questions for Colossians 3: 1. Read verses 1-2. What inspiration does Paul offer for thinking differently? 2. Read verses 3-4 and react to this statement: Your life is hidden with Christ in God. Christ is your life! 3. Read verses 5-8 and react to this statement: Don’t walk like them because you are not them. 4. How do verses 9-10 demonstrate (via past tense) that we believers can now “be ourselves”? What is being “renewed”? 5. Does “chosen of God” in verse 12 support Calvinism? Why or why not? 6. Why does verse 13 appear to be the opposite of what we see in the Lord’s Prayer (if you forgive others, then God will forgive you)? How do we explain the discrepancy? 7. Read verse 14 and react to this statement: Put on love (on the outside), because love has been poured in your heart (on the inside).

Complete in Christ - Part 5

May 5, 2024

In this concluding message of our “Complete in Christ” series, we will explore the profound themes of Colossians 3-4, focusing on the transformative power of the word “let” and the realization that God has already prepared incredible things to happen within us. We will delve into the liberating truth that everything we do can be done in the name of Jesus, and reflect on the beautiful dynamics of respect and love within relationships. Additionally, we will ponder the assurance that God’s treatment of us will never exasperate or discourage us. I encourage you to tune in to this enlightening and inspiring conclusion to our series. Let’s continue to grow together in the deeper truth of our completeness in Christ! Discussion Questions for Colossians 3-4: 1. The word “let” appears three times (3:15-16 and 4:6) in this passage. What does the word “let” tell you about what God has already prepared to happen in you? 2. Read verse 17 and react to this statement: Everything you do can be done in the name of Jesus. Yes, everything. 3. Read verses 18-19. Paul seems to be implying that husbands primarily desire respect and wives primarily desire love. Does this resonate with you? Why or why not? 4. Read verse 21 and react to this statement: God the Father’s treatment of you will never exasperate you or cause you to lose heart. 5. Read verse 24. How does “the reward of the inheritance” throw a wrench in the common view of rewards being earned through good works? How do you get an inheritance? 6. Read Colossians 4:2-4. Would you consider praying for The Grace Message and The Grace Church that God would “open up to us a door” for the message of Christ to go forth and that He would enable us to “make it clear”? (We thank you for praying for us!)