
101 Bible Questions – Part 1


October 15, 2023

Exciting news! This week marks the launch of my new book, 101 Bible Questions: And the Surprising Answers You May Not Hear in Church. It also marks the start of our new 101 Bible Questions series, beginning with a message on salvation.

Throughout the New Testament, the theme of salvation resonates powerfully. It’s a message of hope, grace, and our Savior’s incredible love. As we explore numerous salvation verses, we’ll uncover the free gift of total rightness with God, the true significance of water baptism, and the reality that spiritually dead people can call upon the Lord and be saved.

Let’s grow together in faith through this 101 Bible Questions series and deepen our understanding of the Gospel’s transformative power!

Discussion Questions for “101 Bible Questions” – Salvation:

1. What themes do you see throughout the salvation verses in the New Testament?

2. What is the purpose of water baptism?

3. Why is it so important to recognize the world’s lost condition?

4. React to this true statement: Spiritually dead people can call upon the Lord.

5. What stands out or means the most to you from this message on salvation?

101 Bible Questions – Part 11

January 14, 2024

Get ready for answers to pressing questions in our “101 Bible Questions” series. In our final message, we tackle Lordship salvation, the true meaning of “By His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5), if we’re immediately in Heaven after death, and the real message behind the powerful truth “I can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 4:13). Prepare for a transformative experience as we challenge your perspective, strengthen your faith, and transform your beliefs. Discover the freedom that comes from shedding doubt, disappointment, and religious expectations, and embrace your permanent union with Christ no matter what circumstances you face. Don’t miss out on these life-changing truths that will inspire you to walk in the fullness of your identity in Christ! Discussion Questions for “101 Bible Questions” – True & False Beliefs: 1. How might the false teaching of “Lordship salvation” erode one’s assurance and foster pride in another? 2. Why is understanding the true context and meaning of Isaiah 53:5 important? (Hint: Relate it to circumstances, expectations, and disappointment with God.) 3. React to this statement: Everyone who teaches “guaranteed healing” through the Cross ends up dying like the rest of us! 4. Why is it important for so many to know that we are with God right away after death? How does our union with Christ factor into this concept? 5. What is Philippians 4:13 really about? How is the truth of this passage different from (sometimes, even the opposite of!) how the passage is commonly used?

101 Bible Questions – Part 10

January 7, 2024

Can Christians get divorced? Are they allowed to get remarried? What about the role of women in church? In this message from my “101 Bible Questions” series, I dive deep into these topics, shedding light on Biblical truths that have often been misunderstood or overlooked. We’ll explore the true meaning of the word “divorce” in 1 Corinthians 7 and how the context of the Sermon on the Mount helps us interpret Jesus’ teachings on remarriage. We’ll also discover God’s thoughts about women and the disruptive issues faced by the Corinthian church and Timothy’s congregation and how those issues relate to Paul’s instructions about women. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening message that may challenge you to see these topics through the lens of God’s impartiality and grace! Discussion Questions for “101 Bible Questions” – Marriage, Sex, and Gender: 1. How does Exodus 21:10-11 set a precedent for God’s thoughts about women? 2. Why is recognizing Jesus’ audience and purpose so important in interpreting Matthew 19:3-8? 3. What is the true meaning of the word “divorce” in 1 Corinthians 7:11? Why is this crucial to understand? 4. How does the context of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5) help us interpret the strict teaching of Jesus on remarriage in verse 32? 5. How do the disruptive issues both in Corinth and in Timothy’s congregation speak into Paul’s instruction about women in those churches? 6. React to this statement: “There is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28b).

101 Bible Questions – Part 9

December 10, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it means to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit? Or why it’s important to know that being filled with the Spirit is not about getting more of Him? How about “praying in the Spirit” – is that praying in tongues? Join me in exploring these concepts in this message from my “101 Bible Questions” series, where we’ll shed light on your incredible relationship with the Holy Spirit as a child of God. I can’t wait for you to dive into these thought-provoking topics and be inspired by the profound truths that reveal God’s love for you! Discussion Questions for “101 Bible Questions” – The Spirit and the Church: 1. Why is it important to know you don’t need “more” of God? 2. What connotations does “convict” carry? How does the Spirit treat children of God? 3. In your own words, explain grieving and quenching the Spirit. How are these different from angering Him? 4. React to this statement: Being filled with the Spirit is not about getting more of the Spirit but about knowing and being inspired by the love of Christ. 5. What is “praying in the Spirit”? How do we know it’s not praying in tongues? How do we know it’s the new and only way to pray at all times?