
Proclaim! – Part 4

The Sermons in Acts

April 3, 2022

It’s tempting to think that God only forgives and shows favor to people who act in a certain way, and godly living is what helps us avoid judgment.

But as we see in Peter’s sermon in Acts 10, if you’re searching for peace with God and what pleases Him, it’s not about your level of obedience or rule-keeping.

In this message, you’ll learn that being right with God doesn’t require getting your act together first. The Gospel invitation is for everyone, and it’s easy and light. You’ll find lasting peace and complete forgiveness as you discover how loved you are!

More from Proclaim!

Proclaim! – Part 1

March 13, 2022

A lot is happening in the book of Acts! Filled with excitement, conflict, and sermons from the apostles, Acts provides a glimpse into the early days of the church and the New Covenant. In this message from Chapter 2, the first in my new series, Proclaim! – The Sermons in Acts, we’ll see the amazing fulfillment of prophecy, the purpose of tongues, and why sharing the Gospel is so important. Your faith and confidence in the Bible will be bolstered, and you’ll learn why the finished work of Christ allows you to rest!

Proclaim! – Part 2

March 20, 2022

In Acts 3, Peter refers to Jesus as the “Prince of Life,” a beautiful reminder of the refreshment and fulfillment we find in the Gospel. This is in stark contrast to lifeless religion centered on human achievement that always leaves us feeling burned out and dried up. In this message, I address the difference between dead faith and living, saving faith. And once we’re saved, eternal life together with Jesus starts right away – not in the distant future in Heaven. You’ll also see God’s heart for none to perish and you’ll discover the Gospel in all its refreshing, glorious simplicity!

Proclaim! – Part 3

March 27, 2022

In Acts 7, we see the incredible sermon of Stephen, a man full of grace, power, and the Holy Spirit who became the first Christian martyred for his faith. What did Stephen say that caused those listening to gnash their teeth and respond in murderous rage? And what was it that caused Jesus to stand up in Heaven and take notice of Stephen? In this message, we’ll learn what it means to be full of the Holy Spirit, even among those resisting God’s grace. You’ll also see that you too have God’s full attention, and it’s not because of your sins. Instead, He wants you to be convinced of His great love for you!