
“I feel so immature. How can I grow?”

fasting, mark of the beast, martyrdom, water baptism, maturity, emotions, feelings, forgiveness

May 23, 2024

What is a healthy view of fasting? Won’t I lose my salvation if I receive the mark of the beast? Won’t I lose my salvation if I deny Jesus at gunpoint? I’m feeling pressure from others to get water baptized, and I wonder if I should. What are your thoughts? I struggle with so much immaturity in terms of my emotions. I wonder what to do!

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“I’m still not healed! Am I doing something wrong?”*

June 16, 2024

Who was righteous in Jesus’ day? How can I develop a deeper relationship with the Lord? Does God still punish believers? I’ve prayed and been anointed but am still not healed. Am I doing something wrong? *Previously aired

Rethink the private prayer language… (1 Cor 14)

June 14, 2024

What is speaking in tongues? A private prayer language or something different? What is a healthy view of God’s sovereignty given the evil and pain in this world? What does it mean to examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith? How does this relate to law and grace?

How do we define sin without the Law?

June 13, 2024

Did Demas lose his salvation because he loved the world? I struggle with a sin consciousness and often doubt my salvation. Can you help? Our Bible study group is studying Romans, and I’m wondering how to teach law and grace, especially when it comes to how we define sin today?