
Can You Fall in and Out of Fellowship with God?

May 25, 2024

“Fellowship” is often taught as something you bounce in and out of with God based on your behavior. Yet the Bible never says a believer’s fellowship with God can be lost or broken. Discover the liberating reality that even when you sin, you’re always in fellowship with God!

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The Do-Do Gospel: Why Legalism Fails!

June 22, 2024

In this eye-opening video, I expose the pitfalls of the “do more, be more” mentality that pervades both Catholic and Protestant circles. Discover why trying your hardest to love God can lead to a pressure cooker of legalism that ends in disaster. Instead, embracing grace is what truly teaches you to say “no” to sin!

Try to Abide in Christ? No!

June 15, 2024

Here, I dismantle the misconception that abiding in Christ is an effort to sustain. As a believer, you abide (live) in Christ and He lives in you – it’s a permanent location, not a daily chore. Remember: There’s no musical chairs or mood swings with God!

Can a Christian Be Possessed by a Demon?

June 8, 2024

Many believers seem to focus on battling the enemy, but Scripture tells us he’s already defeated. Watch this to find out why God won’t share you with a demon and what it means to be a person of His possession!