
The Power of Oneness – Part 3

Savoring Your Union with Jesus Christ

August 13, 2023

Here’s my third and final message in our series titled “The Power of Oneness.” In this message, we explore the incredible truth that God has made us alive together with Christ. We delve into the significance of being crucified, buried, raised, and seated with Him and what it means that our lives are hidden in Christ. Christ is not just a part of our lives, but He is our life!

So, join me as we dive into the power of oneness with Jesus and discover the incredible implications it has for our lives. Don’t miss out on this life-changing message that’ll inspire and encourage you.

Discussion Questions – Part 3 of “The Power of Oneness”

1. How does the truth that we’ve been made alive together with Christ impact your understanding of your identity as a believer? How does it change the way you view yourself and your relationship with God?

2. Reflecting on the concept of being crucified, buried, raised, and seated with Christ, what does this mean for your old self and the power of sin in your life? How does it affect your daily walk with Christ?

3. Discuss the significance of circumcision in the spiritual sense. How does this truth free us from relying on external laws on rule-keeping?

4. How can we practically seek things above and set our minds on heavenly things in the midst of our daily lives? Share any thoughts that have helped you in this area.

5. Reflect on the truth that your life is hidden with Christ in God. How does this truth impact your perspective on trials, challenges, and the eternal security of your salvation?

6. Discuss the implications of Christ being your life. How does this truth shape your priorities, decisions, and the way you navigate relationships and circumstances?

The Power of Oneness – Part 1

July 30, 2023

We’re now embarking on a profound journey together—a new series, “The Power of Oneness: Savoring Your Union with Jesus Christ.” The first message in this transformative series, focusing on John 15, dives deep into the essence of our oneness with Christ. We’ll ponder questions like, “Does the Father really cut off branches in Christ that aren’t bearing fruit?” This question invites us to explore the nature of God as our caring vinedresser. And here’s another: “How are the disciples ‘already clean’ if the cross hasn’t happened yet?” This question might challenge your current understanding of forgiveness. This message also invites you to unravel the true and confidence-inspiring meaning of “abide in Me,” and how it contrasts with the phrase “apart from Me.” This exploration will be a stepping-stone towards understanding your inseparable union with Jesus Christ. I look forward to sharing this journey with you. And feel free to share this message with friends or family who you think might be encouraged by it. Let’s spread God’s unending love and our union with Christ as far as we can! Discussion Questions for John 15: 1. What does the Father do with branches in Christ that aren’t bearing fruit? What does this say about Him? 2. How are the disciples “already clean” if the cross hasn’t happened yet? 3. What does “abide in Me” really mean? Is it about daily trying to trust Him, or is it evangelistic? How do we know? 4. Why is “abide in Me” contrasted with “apart from Me”? Are believers ever “apart from” Him? Why or why not? 5. What happens to any branch that is not in Christ? How do we know this refers to an unbeliever? 6. How does “ask whatever you wish” balance with “if My words abide in you”? 7. Do you live in God’s love? Do you always think and act that way? 8. How does authentic joy occur in our lives? What inspires it?

The Power of Oneness – Part 2

August 6, 2023

I’m thrilled to invite you to the latest message in our captivating new series, “The Power of Oneness: Savoring Your Union with Jesus Christ.” Here, we delve into the profound truths found in John 17, where Jesus passionately prayed for you to be one with Him. In a world that often pulls us in different directions, you’ll be reminded that you are not of this world. You’re set apart, called to live in the fullness of your identity in Christ. We’ll also unravel the true meaning of sanctification, a term often misunderstood in the religious world.  So, immerse yourself in the heart of Jesus’ prayer in John 17, where He passionately pleaded for your oneness with Him. Embrace the joy and peace that flow from knowing you’re never alone, as Christ Himself dwells in you. My heart is that you’ll celebrate the incredible truth that you are a precious gift from God to Jesus. You are deeply loved, cherished, and valued by Him. Allow this truth to permeate your being, empowering you to live a life that reflects the immeasurable love God poured into your heart. Join me as we delve into these life-changing revelations. Watch this latest message on John 17 and embark on a journey of discovering the power of oneness in Christ. This series is sure to ignite a renewed passion for your union with Jesus Christ and inspire you to live from God’s radiant love and grace. Questions for John 17:14-26: 1. Read verses 14-16. What does it mean to you to be “not of the world”? 2. Read verses 17-19. What does “sanctify” mean? How does believing the truth factor into it? 3. Read verses 20-21. How do we know this prayer includes us? What specifically is Jesus asking for on your behalf? How was His prayer answered? 4. Read verse 22 and react to this statement: Jesus gave you His glory. 5. Read verse 23. How loved are you? 6. How was verse 24 answered through the Gospel? (Hint: See Ephesians 2:6, for example.) 7. Reflect again on verse 24. Have you ever thought about the powerful truth that you're a gift from God the Father to Jesus? What does this mean to you? 8. Read verses 25-26 and react to this statement: Christ is literally in you, and God’s love has been poured within you.