
The Great News of the Gospel – Part 8

a series in Romans

March 19, 2023

Abraham doubted God’s promise to provide him and his wife with a son. Then, he decided to have a child with another woman just in case God didn’t come through.

But that’s not what Romans 4 says about Abraham! God tells us through the Apostle Paul that Abraham “did not waver” in unbelief, grew strong in his faith, and was “fully assured.”

Are you kidding me? I find that interesting, to say the least, don’t you? Why would God describe Abraham in this way, leaving out his biggest failure and even showcasing his faith?

I think you’re going to love the answer, because it’s a beautiful reminder of how God sees you even in the midst of failure.

Find out more right here in this compelling look at Abraham from God’s viewpoint.

Questions for Romans 4:16-5:1

1. In what way is Abraham the father of us all? 

2. How does verse 17 speak to Creation itself? 

3. React to this statement: God views Abraham as never wavering even though he concocted a Plan B. 

4. How does verse 25 convey the two main aspects of the Gospel message?

5. What does it mean to you personally to have peace with God?