
Alive with Christ – Part 5

Discovering Our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians

February 18, 2024

Join us here for our morning service at The Grace Church. We continue our series called "Alive with Christ: Discovering our Spiritual Riches in Ephesians" with Part 5 (Ephesians 4:1-6). Below are the discussion questions for today’s message:

(1) React to this statement: You can only walk in a worthy manner if you know your calling as a saint!

(2) One body. One Spirit. One Lord. One faith. One baptism. One God. What is Paul trying to tell us?

(3) How do you view spiritual gifts? What are they for? What have your experiences (good or bad) been with them?

(4) What are the “winds of doctrine” and “trickery of men” that we see today? How can we avoid being “tossed here and there” by them?

(5) How is the church (globally) doing regarding unity and love today? How could it do better? By what means?