
2018 Weekday

01/01 - 10/05

10/05 - Friday

October 5, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Do we need to forgive others before God will forgive us? Does God draw people and is there a choice for humans? What are your thoughts on membership classes in church?

10/04 - Thursday

October 4, 2018 • Andrew Farley

What are your thoughts on cremation? How do you minister to someone who is struggling? Are we saved by our works?

10/03 - Wednesday

October 3, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Is there a dispensation of grace? And will it come to an end? What is your understanding of predestination and election? Can you add to the finished work of Jesus?

10/02 - Tuesday

October 2, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Do we need to ask God for forgiveness each time we sin? What are your thoughts on apostasy? Do believers have free will?

10/01 - Monday

October 1, 2018 • Andrew Farley

What does it mean to have peace with God? Do miracles still happen today? Do believers need to draw near to God?

09/28 - Friday

September 28, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Does the message of total forgiveness and eternal security lead people into more sinning? How can Christ forgive me if I am not willing to fully forgive others? How can I keep a pure heart through high school and college? I know that we are supposed to focus on Jesus, but how much attention should we give to demons and casting them out?

09/27 - Thursday

September 27, 2018 • Andrew Farley

When believers are disobedient, do they fall under God‘s judgment? Is it permissible for a Christian married couple to engage in oral sex? Should we focus on our failures and brokenness? Does God cause or allow sickness?

09/26 - Wednesday

September 26, 2018 • Andrew Farley

What is the new covenant? And what is the role of faith? Can you lose your salvation? How do you know when you're saved?

09/25 - Tuesday

September 25, 2018 • Andrew Farley

What is a good definition of “grace”? Why did Jesus “not entrust Himself” to those around Him? Did Lot’s wife really turn into a pillar of salt? Are we sinners, or saints, or both? Why did Jesus say that salvation is a “narrow gate”?

09/24 - Monday

September 24, 2018 • Andrew Farley

What do you mean by the “two different messages” of Jesus during His ministry? Are there two different gospels today - one for the Jew and another for the Gentile? Does 1 Timothy 4 describe believers who fall away and lose their salvation? Can believers be severely deceived? You mentioned once that jewelry should not depict Jesus still hanging on the cross- what did you mean? My pastor said that the 10 Commandments are now converted into promises. What are your thoughts on this?

09/21 - Friday

September 21, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Is suicide the unforgivable sin? What is the difference between Old Testament law and New Testament behavior passages? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

09/20 - Thursday

September 20, 2018 • Andrew Farley

What are your thoughts on Church membership? Do we have to love others in order to be saved or stay saved? Did Jesus already return?

09/19 - Wednesday

September 19, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Is Jesus the light of the world or are we the light of the world? What are your thoughts on generational curses? Isn't wise to study the book of Enoch?

09/18 - Tuesday

September 18, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Why did God give everyone over to sin as described in Romans 1? How do you view the discipline of the Lord as described in Hebrews 11? Is it a reaction to our sins? Is there night and day in heaven? How are the cross and the resurrection different in what they accomplished for us?

09/17 - Monday

September 17, 2018 • Andrew Farley

Do believers need to take up their cross and deny themselves? Andrew, how did you transition from legalism to grace? Is God keeping my fiance sick because she has sinned? What are your thoughts on "dying to self"?