Imagine: Heavenly Storehouses

(8 min. experience)

March 11, 2022 • Rachel Barrentine • Ephesians 3:12–21, Luke 5:18–26, Malachi 3:10, Job 38

Imagine the Shelves

Imagine, Healer Jesus, the one whose scars remain…invites you to close your eyes. As you close them, you can see Jesus right in front of you. He’s within reaching distance. And He’s looking directly as you.

As you see Him you pause, because you realize this is a holy moment. He stretches out His righteous right hand towards you, and invites you up a staircase. So you take His hand and you begin to walk up the steps together. As you reach the top you start to see a room, full of shelves. It looks like bookcases everywhere. You wonder if it is a library or something of that nature. And you ask Jesus, what is this place? “Heaven” He gently responds. “This is a special room in heaven where My children are permitted to come and boldly ask for what they need.”

“These shelves are full of body parts. Any part you can think of, there is a shelf for it! New livers, kidneys, digestive tracts, bones, hearts, and even minds. Many people overlook how broken minds can be. They need to be made new as well. There is a section for every need of the human soul too. There are shelves full of joy, patience, gentleness, and hope. The list goes on and on.

As the Lord shows me around the room, He invites me to come here anytime I need. When I encounter someone in need of a new knee or foot or finger…I may enter this room with thanksgiving and praise. Gratitude and faith are the keys that unlock the door to this room. These shelves are full of the substance we can’t always see in the natural, but they are available through the faith of Jesus Himself.

So Jesus looks me straight in the eye, and says, “My beloved, what do you need? What is it that needs to be made new in you?” I think of several organs and systems…and I think of all the people I will encounter whose needs are so great. And I wonder…is there a limit? Can I ask for too much? Will I run out of coupons? Is there a maximum per day or month? What does it take to get these off the shelf? How much does it cost?

My Savior reads my thoughts. He knows me inside and out. He reminds me that He is not a God of scarcity or limited provision. He does not shame me for the questions, or asking for too much. It feels like too much to me. The extravagance, it’s overwhelming. But the things I need…a liver, kidneys, stomach, esophagus, immune system…It all just feels like too much to ask for. But Papa God speaks up. And He gently reminds me that His Son Jesus has already bought and paid for every one of these items. He purchased them when He was stripped, whipped, beaten, humiliated and crucified. Why then would Papa God withhold them from His precious children?

The problem is not in the supply. The issue is not in the payment. It’s in the knowledge and awareness. If I do not know I can access the shelves of heaven…how will I know where and how to get what I need?

And so Jesus, ever so close to me, speaks: My child, it’s all yours. Come up here anytime, anywhere, and receive what you need. You can never overdraw, over-ask, or overuse what I have purchased and paid for. Everything in heaven is My resource to you. Open your hands now and receive it. Say the words, “I receive it.” Feel the places in your body realign and re-adjust to their new organs and parts. Believe that I have already done the work for you. Believe that I AM installing what you need, right here and now.

I am taken aback, enamored, and blown away. As we finish up our business in this heavenly room, Jesus takes my hand again. He escorts me back down the steps. We walk slowly and carefully as He reminds me I can come up here anytime I want. The heavenly storehouse is always open, always available. He invites me to move freely, to come with faith and gratitude, and collect whatever I need.

I’m getting used to what my body feels like. I feel sensations in my belly. I’m not sure what just happened, but I continue to hear the words of my Savior, “Simply believe like an innocent child that you have already received it, because you have. Don’t overthink it. Don’t try to figure it out. Let it appropriate, and let it assimilate into your new body.”

I remember now that I was lying on a couch when my spiritual vision began to run wild. My friends are around me, praying over me as I lay here in perfect stillness. I know the presence of My Jesus was so near. So close I could see the love coming though His eyes into mine.

I think of these stairs often. What will I need for today? What will someone else need today? Whatever it is, I am now confident that everything is available to me. The Lord has taken me on a holy pilgrimage, a sacred vision into the heavenlies. I close my eyes, and every time I just imagine Jesus holding His tender hand out to me, “Come up here my beloved. I have what you need.” This isn’t just imagining. It’s truly what the Word of God says. Jesus is the substance and provision for more than all I could ask, dream, or imagine.
Narration written by Rachel Barrentine.