


May 26, 2022 • Leah Paschall • Proverbs 16:6

Proverbs 16:6 NASB By mercy and truth atonement is made for wrongdoing, And
by the fear of the LORD one keeps away from evil.

For a season in my life, I asked the Lord to help me understand the “fear of the
Lord” (or “reverential awe”) and began to study it out. I discovered something on
the journey....the more I understood the fear of the Lord, the more unthinkable
sin became to me. It’s not that I was afraid of His judgment. I knew I was
washed by the blood of Jesus. It’s that, the more aware of His holiness I became,
the more clear my own sin became in contrast. And I wanted to be clean before
Him. Having a heightened awareness of His holiness naturally compels us to
“keep away” from sin.

Sin creeps into our lives so easily and can take hold if we’re not careful. If there
is a ‘secret sin’ you’ve been having trouble shaking off, dive into scriptures about
the ‘fear of the Lord’ and ask Him for His help.

God, I thank you for the blood of Jesus because I know that no one can stand in
Your presence without it. Help me to more fully understand what it means to
have “reverential awe” of You as you purify my heart.

Devo by Leah Paschall
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash