
God So Loved the World


May 30, 2022 • Leah Paschall • John 3:16

John 13:34-36 NIV A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

I watched a scene in a TV show where the hero was cast as one who vehemently rejected the existence of God but held in high esteem the love he witnessed between people. He was basically saying, you can reject God as long as you believe in love. His words were dramatic and sympathetic. The music was poignant and stirring. It drew you into the scene and the well-practiced words. But they were dangerous words. They don’t understand that God IS love (1 John 4:7-21). So I ponder my reaction. I could fill myself up with righteous indignation. But I think a better reaction is to be all the more deliberate about loving people well with the love of Christ. After all, God loves the world, as broken as it is, and gave His Son for it (John 3:16). And we are His hands and feet. Some will reject Him. But not all!

Read I Corinthians 13 today and write down in your journal some specific ways you can show the love of Christ to others.

Father, reveal to me any offense I may be taking at the world’s reaction to You. Show me how I can show Your love to the people around me in ways that point them to You!

Devo by Leah Paschall
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