
In the Middle

Center Series: Part 4

Rachel Barrentine

Q: Are you “in the middle” of anything right now? What are you asking God for? How can you invite Him into this particular situation?

Q: How has God showed Himself faithful to you in the past?

Q: Is there anything you are offended at God for? Would you be willing to release this offense? If so, what does that look or sound like for you?

2 Cor. 4:16-8
James 1:1-4
Philippians 1:6

God is past, present, and future. This means He is with you and for you beginning, middle, and end. Ask God to awaken your awareness of HIs faithfulness.

Papa, thank You for being with me and for me through every circumstance. I release the anger and offenses I have carried and held against You. Bring healing to my heart and soul; even to the places in my subconscious. Lift my spiritual eyes, and let me see with Your point of view. Release fresh trust into my spirit. Thank you for being my Advocate and Refuge in every “in the middle” moment.

We Welcome You

Rachel Barrentine

Welcome to part 1 of the Center series. Enjoy this teaching, and let us know what you are learning. Feel free to leave a comment or question. Cheering for you, -Team AH ⚓️ --------------------- DIVE DEEPER: Matthew 13:1-16. What do you notice? Did the Holy Spirit highlight anything to you? What do you read about listening in this passage? In Matthew 13:11-12, particularly in the New Living Translation, what is the connection between permission and listening? Is there a particular way you plan to intentionally increase your welcome to Jesus? Write that down somewhere, and make sure to follow through this week. Obedience is one of the bests way to accelerate your spiritual growth. Are there any other Scriptures or life examples you can think of where you see the effects of a spirit of invitation and welcome? ANCHOR POINT: Papa God goes where He is welcomed. If you want more of His presence in your life, extend your welcome mat. He's ready for your invitation. ANCHOR PRAYER: Jesus thank You for revealing this great truth. Increase my hunger and desire for You. Open my spirit to greater welcome. As I go through my daily life, let it occur to me, that You want to be a part of it. Remind me to invite You in. In Jesus name. Amen. ----- Extra Credit! (to enjoy:) 2 Chron. 16:9 NLT The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been! From now on you will be at war. James 4:8 NASB Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Matthew 5:6 NIV Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Psalm 14:2 NASB The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men To see if there are any who understand, Who seek after God. Matthew 25:29 AMP For to everyone who has [and values his blessings and gifts from God, and has used them wisely], more will be given, and [he will be richly supplied so that] he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have [because he has ignored or disregarded his blessings and gifts from God], even what he does have will be taken away. Matthew 7:7-8 AMP _Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. **8 **For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, it will be opened.

Be the Light

Rachel Barrentine

DIVE DEEPER: Have you ever experienced someone who is the epitome of "Being the Light"? What characteristics do they have? What is their attitude or spirit like? Are you drawn to them? ANCHOR PASSAGES: Genesis 1:3-5 Exodus 13:21 Job 18 (just a lot about light in this passage, if it peaks your interest) Job 38:15 Psalm 27:1, 89:15, 119:30, Proverbs 4:18 Find more great Scriptures at http://biblegateway.com. Just type in the word "light" and see what comes up. Enjoy the journey! Pick an area to focus on this week. Think of ways you can be the light in that particular area. (Family, marriage or dating relationship, work ethic, school, on the job, around the house, etc.) ANCHOR POINT: God is Light. If you want to be a deLIGHT, hang around Him. You start to reflect who you have been with. PRAYER: Jesus, thank You for being the Light of the World. Open my eyes and heart to see all the avenues of Your light shining through. Show me ways to reflect Your heart to everyone I encounter. In Jesus name, Amen. ----- Be sure to leave a comment or question about what you're learning! Cheering for you, Team AHTV

Stay Surrendered

Rachel Barrentine

DIVE DEEPER Q: Which part of your personality struggles the most with surrender? Is it easy for you or difficult? Why or why not? Q: Does your relationship with God have any raw spots? Would you be willing to ask Him about that area, and let Him walk you through it? If so, close your eyes, settle your mind, and let Him guide your thoughts regarding the raw spot. If you experience any “aha” moment with Him, write it down. It’s important to keep track of your God insights. ANCHOR PASSAGES: Psalm 19:7, 20:7, 25:3 & 10, 28:7 Philippians 4:11-13 ANCHOR POINT: Papa God is trustworthy. The more you believe that, the more you’ll be willing to stay surrendered. Any area not surrendered to God, will eventually be surrendered to something else. That something else is not nearly as good as Papa God. PRAYER: Papa, begin to show me the misguided places and things I have surrendered to. Redirect my heart back to You. Alert my spirit the moment I step out of trust with You. Guide me into deeper trust. My heart is settled when I surrender. Thank you for being worthy of my trust. In Jesus name. Amen.