
A Testimony of Waiting and the Lord's Goodness

March 18, 2023 • Rebecca Howatt

There's a Verse for That! The Verse for Unsticking the Stuck

March 17, 2023 • Lisa Hughes • 1 Corinthians 10:13

We don’t discuss temptation that much other than in a half-joking way, like when we’re taking another bite of cheesecake, yet gaining a right understanding about sin and temptation is crucial to our walks with the Lord. In this session, we’ll learn about the resources and help God gives us to think rightly about sin and temptation. We often feel stuck when it comes to sin and temptation, which is why I want to take this time to equip us to think differently when we are faced with trials, struggles, difficulties, pressures, and persecution. It is in affliction, distresses, and the unwanted, unwelcome, unexpected that we are tempted to give into sins of worry, fear, anger, bitterness, pride, unbelief and more. In the end we’ll learn that there is never a time when we can’t live by faith or obey the Lord—even when we are battling temptation. 

There's a Verse for That! The Verse for God-Pleasing Faith

March 18, 2023 • Beth Ferguson • Hebrews 11:6

In this one verse, we learn that the faith we are to live out in our lives is not an emotional response or something we can muster up on our own. Biblical faith is a gift of God. Biblical faith is meaty and substantial and helps us live well, no matter what the circumstances. The key to biblical faith is learning more about the great God we trust in.

A Testimony of a Transformed Life

March 18, 2023 • Bekah Mazza