
Unraveling the Islamic African Slavery Thread Within Racism, Black Lives Matter

August 23, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Gary Dull, IQ al-Rassooli

Many Americans have bought into the lie that our nation was founded by racist Europeans whose penchant for treasure and land was only rivaled by their hatred and enslavement of the black man.

No doubt there were those who came here for the previous reasons, but there were no slave owners among the Pilgrims, and those founding fathers, who came here from England’s shores, sought to build a better nation-where the principles of religious freedom and civil liberties would eventually be extended to all-black, white, red, or yellow.

Perhaps like many, you’re surprised at the hatred and violence against America coming from groups like Black Lives Matter. But this vitriol doesn’t stem from true hatred for racism but rather a perceived moral high ground against injustice, inequality, and all authority. Associated with this group are other malcontents like Antifa members, Marxists, and even Muslims-who march to the beat of their own dangerous ideologies and who’s history is often replete with fanaticism and deep racism to rival anything we see in America today.

On this program, IQ al-Rassooli, a former member and leader within one of these groups, is going to share some of the history of slavery and racism behind Islam's rise to power.