
The Dangers of the Equality Act and Human Rights Campaign

December 6, 2020 • Dr. Joe Green, Sam Rohrer, Dr. Randy Short

When the decision in the 2015 Obergefell versus Hodges case was handed down by the Supreme court legalizing gay marriage, those who opposed it predicted there would be more legislation coming down the pike to normalize and legalize every kind of sexual deviancy. It turns out they were right.

It wasn’t long after the legalization of same sex marriage that drag queen story hour, and gender affirming pronouns became high on the priority list of the 'new-ish' movement-transgenderism.

Thirty years ago, if you had said it were possible for a woman to be trapped in a man’s body or vice-versa, you would have been made the laughingstock of the town. It just wasn’t common for people to identify as anything other than the biological sex they were born with.

Today, more than 1.3 million adults in America identify as transgender. And among high schoolers, particularly teenage girls, transgenderism in rapidly rising.

On this program, guest Dr. Randy Short is going to discuss this phenomenon and the dangerous Equality Act-a bill masquerading as legitimate protection for minorities-when in reality, it’s purpose is to punish any who stand in the way of the LGBTQ/Transgender agenda.

Host: Dr. Joe Green
Co-host: Sam Rohrer
Guest: Dr. Randy Short