
2024 Health Freedom Trends

Vigilance Required – Part I

February 18, 2024 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett, Guest: Twila Brase

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Twila Brase (President and Co-Founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution.

As in all areas of our lives it is appropriate and wise to look ahead and contemplate what is happening and may happen in the year ahead. 

Proverbs 22:3 says, “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.” 

The wise look ahead. The prudent considers as best he can what’s coming and makes adjustments accordingly. The foolish, simple, and ignorant just plunge ahead and suffer the consequences. 

Join us as we look at the topic “2024 Health Freedom Trends: Vigilance Required”. We hope you’ll find the program challenging and informative.