
Regressive, Not Progressive

February 17, 2019 • Isaac Crockett, Matt Recker, Gary Dull, Sam Rohrer

When Jesus was speaking to his disciples about the religious leaders of the day, He explained that because of the hardness of their hearts they would hear truth, but not understand it. They’d see His life and witness His miracles, but never accept that He was the Messiah. And in their misplaced zeal, they’d crucify the Son of God.

This program addresses the hardness of hearts in our own culture from those who embrace a secular worldview and reject truth; believing the lie that man is answerable to no one.

This brazen attitude was on full display when the state of New York passed legislation giving a woman the right to abort her baby up until the 40th week of pregnancy, that is-the moment of delivery. And while some may call this a progressive agenda, we would say it’s regressive-that is-a moral backslide that defies the Creator God and Giver of life.

Host: Pastor Isaac Crockett
Co-hosts: Sam Rohrer and Dr. Gary Dull
Guest: Pastor Matt Recker