
From Murder to Marches, the Truth DOES Matter

November 4, 2018 • Sam Rohrer, Michele Bachmann

Today’s urgent news quickly becomes tomorrow’s recycled headlines. The information cycle changes at an astonishingly rapid pace and before we know it, we’re left wondering what ever happened to a particular story or person that dominated media attention for such a short period of time. Indeed, staying on top of what's happening around the world is a monumental task.

To help us understand three current events-the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, Ambassador Nikki Haley's resignation, and the immigrant caravan headed for the US, is former Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate, Michele Bachmann. She'll offer an analysis from a biblical world view perspective and her valuable experience gained during her time working in Washington, DC.

Host: Sam Rohrer
Co-hosts: Dave Kistler, Dr. Gary Dull