
Stand in the Gap TV

Deception Alert: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing – Inside the Church! - Pt. 1

February 10, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Brannon Howse (President and Founder of Worldview Weekend) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution.

Does it seem to you that we’re living in days of surreal reality? Times where what appears to be may not be and what really is, is ignored or explained away? Whether you call this a time of “fake news” or “propaganda promotion”, we are in dangerous days of deception.

Our program theme is an unpleasant one to deal with; but critically necessary for all who love freedom, pursue the truth, and want to obey the commands of Christ. In Matt. 24:3-4, Jesus warned His disciples that the leading evidence of the end days prior to the Lord’s return would be deception. Jesus told His disciples that all true shepherds would warn their sheep of the wolves in sheep’s clothing increasingly attempting to invade the true church and subvert the truth of the Gospel. Those who refuse to warn the sheep of the wolves are called by Jesus ‘hirelings’ in John 10:12. So, warning about deception is critical.

Since we know that deception will be a major sign of the end days, it has as its goal the subversion of truth and replacement of God in the minds of a culture. Doesn’t it make sense that the greatest attack would likely be against or within the church itself? On this program we’ll reveal how deception is happening in the church and will warn of prominent wolves in sheep’s clothing. Also, we’ll discuss two primary ‘wolf strategies’ designed to subvert the whole counsel of God and destroy the impact of truth in American culture.

In this first of two programs, we’ll look at these ‘wolf strategies’ and how they’re targeting the church with deception.