
Stand in the Gap TV

The Deceit of Political Correctness: How Marxism is Collapsing America - Part 1

September 6, 2020 • Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett are joined by guest Dr. Marlene McMillan (Author, Speaker) to discuss this important topic by going to the heart of the cause and defining the solution.

In the last generation a sea of change has swept over America and the western world. Critical areas such as education, science, politics, history, and even theology have been strategically targeted for change and the agents of change have been successful.

Whether the discussion is capitalism or socialism, justice or social justice, rights or duties, Democrat or Republican, etc. It is a matter of values and ideology. It is all about worldview. A Judeo-Christian worldview (the underpinning of freedom, liberty, moral truth, and God as Creator and Judge) is what brought the U.S. and the western world into prominence. But an atheistic or Islamic worldview views the tenets of a Judeo-Christian worldview to be the enemy.

The goal driven by their respective worldviews is totalitarianism, control of the people by a few. and where life is not sacred. Because for them there is no God balanced in truth, justice, mercy, and love. The Hagelian Dialectic being described as not just a language, but a methodology springs from this worldview of no creator God or ultimate judge of right or wrong. But instead man is God and the sole determiner of what is right. The difference is enormous. The results are life threatening.

Join us as we look at the topic “The Deceit of Political Correctness: How Marxism is Collapsing America?”. We hope you’ll find the program challenging and informative.