
The Red Bags Are Back!

Amazing Outreach

August 4, 2024
8:45am - 1:30pm

We are excited to support the wonderful teachers at our partner school, Malvern Elementary in McKinney. Let's get ready for the upcoming school year by donating much-needed supplies that teachers can use in the classroom, remotely, or in hybrid settings. 

How to Donate:


Bring your donations to Amazing Church by August 4th.

-Online Donation:

Let us do the shopping for you! Donate through SecureGive by August 1st and select "Red Bag Delivery." Click LET US SHOP to give.

Thank you for contributing these essential educational supplies and supporting our teachers in the community.

P.S. Members:

If you are a teacher in need of school supplies, please contact the Amazing Church office.

Have an Amazing Day!