
The Decalogue

A Sermon Series about the Ten Commandments

01 The Preface of the Ten Commandments

June 4, 2023 • Kasey Horvath • Exodus 20:1–17

In this introductory sermon to a new series, The Decalogue, Pastor Kasey examines the preface of the ten commandments. Listen to learn about the authorship of the ten commandments, their nature, purpose, and even the structure that is outlined in the preface verses.

About this Series

Every major reformed catechism includes a section on the ten commandments 10 because they are fundamental and foundational to our faith. The Decalogue series aims to strengthen and bolster our understanding as a church of the christian faith, reminding us of our immova

11 The Tenth Commandment

August 20, 2023 • Kasey Horvath • Exodus 20

In this final installment of The Decalogue, Pastor Kasey teaches about the prohibitions and commands of the 10th Commandment - "You shall not covet." He recaps the purpose in studying The Decalogue and encourages listeners to seek obedience to the commandments with their mind, heart, and hands.

10 The Ninth Commandment

August 13, 2023 • Kasey Horvath • Exodus 20

Pastor Kasey begins by explaining three uses of the Decalogue in the Christian life, along with three heart level motivations for obeying the Ten Commandments. Then he provides an exposition of the Ninth Commandment by explaining both its prohibitions and commandments.

09 The Eighth Commandment

August 6, 2023 • Graham Dennis • Exodus 20

Graham Dennis preaches about the ties between stealing, coveting, and generosity.

08 The Seventh Commandment

July 30, 2023 • Brandon Gilanyi • Exodus 20

Pastor Brandon encourages us to pursue purity in worship, body, and mind as he preaches on the seventh commandment.

07 The Sixth Commandment

July 23, 2023 • Herb Suereth • Exodus 20:13

Pastor Herb preaches about the sixth commandment and how it is much more encompassing than simply not killing.

06 The Fifth Commandment

July 16, 2023 • Kasey Horvath • Exodus 20

This week Pastor Kasey delves into the fifth commandment, emphasizing the importance of honoring, obeying, and respecting those in authority, while highlighting the transformative impact of leaders who strive to follow Christ.

04 The Third Commandment

July 2, 2023 • Kasey Horvath • Exodus 20

Pastor Kasey explores the purpose and implications of the third commandment.

03 The Second Commandment

June 18, 2023 • Kasey Horvath • Exodus 20:4–6

Pastor Kasey explores what is prohibited and commanded by the second commandment, what is annexed to the second commandment, and how we are to apply this to our lives.

02 The First Commandment

June 11, 2023 • Herb Suereth • Exodus 20

Pastor Herb Suereth preaches how adoration, trust, invocation, and thanksgiving are duties required by the first commandment.