There are two rotations in the Christian Calendar. The first rotation is known as the Cycle of Light. This cycle begins with the preparation of Advent, then rejoices in the incarnation of Jesus at Christmas and ends with the proclamation of Christ’s light in Epiphany.
The second rotation is the Cycle of Life. This cycle begins with the preparation of Lent, then rejoices in the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Jesus at Easter and ends with the proclamation of Christ’s eternal life in Ordinary Time.
On Ash Wednesday, we began the second cycle of the Christian year and started the season of Lent. The Lenten time spans from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. These 46 days (minus the six Lord’s Days) commemorate the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting, praying, and enduring temptation by Satan.
Following our Lord’s example, the Church intentionally practices the spiritual disciplines of Fasting, Praying, and Giving of Alms throughout the season of Lent. During this solemn period the Church also gives special attention to the reading and preaching of God’s law, while simultaneously emphasizing confession and repentance of sin. The practice of these Spiritual Disciplines is what the author of Hebrews calls “making straight paths” (Hebrews 12:13).
Join us this Lent as we engage in “The Practice of Making Our Paths Straight” in preparation for Easter, by giving our attention to Jesus’ preaching of God’s Law, in the Sermon on the Mount.