
About This Series

Sermon Series

Judges: A Testament for the Church 

After receiving the Decalogue on Mount Sinai, the covenant people of God were to take possession of the promised land (Exodus 3:8). However, their lack of faith at Kadesh Barnea resulted in God’s judgment, in which the people would wander in the wilderness for 40 years (Numbers 14). No one from that unbelieving generation would be permitted into the land of Canaan, except for Joshua and Caleb. 

The book of Judges marks the history of God’s covenant people living in the promised land from the time of Joshua’s death to the rise of a monarchy. During this time, God’s people broke the covenant he established at Mount Sinai, characterizing this era as a spiritual and political downward spiral. However, amid the people’s infidelity, God always remained faithful to his covenant promises. Not only did he bring judgement against sin, but he also brought deliverance by raising up tribal leaders and governors, commonly referred to as Judges. 

The period of the Judges displayed the need for God’s rule and kingdom. This would be partially realized by King David under the administration of the Davidic Covenant, but later fully actualized in the rule and kingdom of King Jesus under the administration of the New Covenant. 

As New Testament Saints seeking the realization of God’s rule and kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, the book of Judges serves as a testimony for the Church, in which we are instructed and warned. Join us as we consider the historical events of Judges, as well as the immediate implications for the Church. 

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