
The Light of the Wisemen Enlightens Us

Matthew 2: 1-11

December 8, 2019 • Gerry Lougheed Jr.

Do you know what wiseman and gift I was in the Christmas pageant? Could their family and friends really consider them wisemen for seeing the star, following the star and finding Jesus? What was their real gift and did they go back a different way because of Herod or Baby Jesus?

The Light of the Word Empowers Us

December 15, 2019 • Gerry Lougheed Jr.

Beyond Shepherd’s and Wisemen my favourite Christmas story isn’t defined by Christmas Trees, Nativity Scenes and stocking’s – it’s all about the arrival of the light that should make us “religious fanatics” and saved sparrows and dispel our darkness’s.

The Light of the Shepherds Engages Us

December 1, 2019 • Gerry Lougheed Jr.

Consider the unscrubbed version of the Shepherd’s story. How we share the shepherds forgotteness as captives and creators of darkness. How the angels “shepherd speak” lets us know the importance of “swaddling clothes”.