LIFT (Ladies in Faith Together) Retreat

Clay Jars

April 4 - 6, 2025

We are so excited to be gathering again for a retreat with our sisters in Christ, and we hope that you will join us! We are heading back to the beautiful retreat center Sandy Cove, in Maryland. Our theme this year is "Clay Jars," and the retreat will be led by Pastor Dale Selover.  

The image of jars appears again and again throughout the Scriptures, provoking all sorts of reflections on our own lives. When our jars are empty, what does God do with the lack we feel? How do we respond when our “jar overflows”? Where is God inviting us to leave our jars behind for a deeper relationship with God – or to break our jar open and surrender everything at Jesus’ feet? Join us for our LIFT retreat as Pastor Dale Selover leads us in exploring these powerful stories from Scripture, the image of “clay jars,” and what it means for our lives today.  

Pastor Dale Selover is Prince of Peace Lutheran Church’s Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Director of The House Next Door, a spiritual direction and retreat ministry in Princeton Junction, NJ. For over twenty-five years Pastor Selover has led retreats for congregational women’s groups, councils, families, and Christian Education teams. Dale is married to Pastor Peter Froehlke. They are the proud parents of two daughters: Sara Grace and Hannah Ruth.

Quick Details:

Who is this for? APC Women (18+) and friends (Space is limited so be sure to sign-up ASAP)

What is it? A time of spiritual refreshing, life-giving connection, and being in God's beautiful creation!

When is it? Evening April 4 - mid-morning April 6

Where is it? Sandy Cove, MD

How much does it cost? This year we are offering a few different pricing options due to room preferences. If you'd like a single room, the cost is $375. If you'd like to share a double room, the cost is $260. And if you're looking to share a triple room, the cost is $225*. You can pay online using this form or pay cash/check. Checks can be made payable to The Allentown Presbyterian Church; memo line: Women's Retreat 2025. 

*Do not let cost be a barrier to you coming! Just let us know if you need assistance; there are scholarships available.

When do I have to decide by? Registration closes Sunday, 3/9!