
Growing Together!

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Larry Salisbury • Romans 12:4–5, Romans 12:10–16, Ephesians 4:11–16

The one-anothers of Scripture were never intended to serve as a collection of quotable quotes. Nor do they present a one-hundred-step plan to vibrant church life. But that’s often what we’re left with if our familiarity prevents us from wrestling with what the apostles meant by them. They are commands. They are meant to be obeyed within the context of vulnerable, growing, trusting relationships within the local church context.

Reflection Questions

1. What did we learn about God from the texts or Sunday’s message?

2. What did we learn about cultivating community or unity from the text or Sunday’s message?

3. What can you do to improve in the area of cultivating community?

4. What does God desire from us at ABC, or you personally as an individual in the area of cultivating community within our church?

5. If you or we as a church were to practically apply what we learned from this passage or message, what would that look like? What steps could you take? When?

6. Summarize what you learned in one sentence, and how does God want you to respond in obedience?

7. This week, who would benefit from this truth, and who will you share it with?


Multiplying Disciples!

March 10, 2024 • Pastor Larry Salisbury • Matthew 28:18–20, Acts 2:41–47

Pastor Larry Salisbury preaches from Matthew 28:18-20 This final message will bring us full circle, reinforcing the importance of our interconnectedness in Christ and empowering us to actively participation fulfilling the Great Commission. Reflection Questions: What are some highlights that you remember from the message? What did we learn about God from these texts or Sunday’s message? What did we learn about how connection groups can impact outreach?  How can we as a ABC or we as a connection group improve in the area of making disciples, or reaching the lost in our community? How would God like to see us make steps of improvement in this area? What beginning steps can you take, or we as a group take, to make plans for outreach individually, or as a group? Summarize (in one sentence) one thing that you have learned; then how would God want you to respond in obedience? This coming week who would benefit from you sharing this truth or desire and who will you share it with? When?

Love Unleashed!

February 25, 2024 • Pastor Mark Green • 1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13 is often relegated to the “speaking in tongues” debate or “a wedding passage.” But understand what is actually happening here! This chapter is sandwiched in the middle of Paul’s greater teaching on the spiritual gifts that God sovereignly gives to the members of his Church. Connection Group Questions

You Matter!

February 18, 2024 • Pastor Mark Green • 1 Corinthians 12:12–24

Just as the human body is made up of interconnected yet individual parts, so is the Body of Christ – the church. And you, Christian, bring significance to this local body! Do you realize how much you matter to God? His love for you is everlasting, and He’s filled you with His Spirit, equipping you with a unique gift for a specific role in our church. This gift, meant not for personal praise but for God's glory, serves to strengthen our church body. Connection Group Reflection Questions 1. What did we learn about God from the text or Sunday’s message? 2. What did we learn about the importance of the individual Christian from the text or Sunday’s message? 3. What can you do to improve in the area of understanding our gifting? 4. What does God desire from us at ABC, or you personally as an individual? 5. If you or we as a church were to practically apply what we learned from this passage or message, what would that look like? What changes will we or you make this week? 6. Summarize what you learned in one sentence, and how does God want you to respond in obedience? 7. This week, who would benefit from this truth, and who will you share it with?