
The Power of Gospel-Powered People | The Romans Series

November 19, 2023 • Pastor Mark Green • Romans 16:1–24

As the Apostle Paul closes his letter to the Romans, he doesn’t simply give a general sweeping farewell. Instead, he identifies individuals who made a difference in his life! After all, it is individuals empowered by the Holy Spirit that make up the corporate body of Christ.

The church is NOT a business. The church is an organism. And the makeup of this organism is people. Every person that is a part of a local church an individual person who possesses God-given talents and Spiritual gifts for the enhancement of this body for the glory of God and the furtherance of His gospel. We are gospel-powered people!

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The Power of Gospel-Powered Proclamation | The Romans Series

November 26, 2023 • Romans 16:25–27

We aren't so great at changing ourselves. Just look at how often you complete a New Year's Resolution. Is there any hope of change in our lives? For the believer, absolutely! God has a powerfu way to change us! Check out our website: https://allendalebaptist.org Follow us on Facebook: https://http://www.facebook.com/growabc Follow us on Instagram: https://http://www.instagram.com/growabc

The Power of Gospel-Powered Prayer | The Romans Series

November 12, 2023 • Pastor Mark Green • Romans 15:30–33

To accomplish anything of eternal value, God needs to accomplish it. In order for you and I to accomplish anything of eternal value, we must appeal to God. This appeal, of course, takes place through the means of prayer. When we pray, we tap into the power of an all-powerful God who can accomplish all He desires. Why wouldn’t we want to leverage His power on our behalf? Paul understood the power of prayer. There are at least 22 written prayers of Paul in the New Testament. He prayed for all of the churches he planted and all the people he partnered with over the years. Paul understood the absolute necessity of prayer. The significance of tapping into the Holy Spirit! Do you know what else he understood about prayer? The power of prayer for one another! Check out our website: https://allendalebaptist.org Follow us on Facebook: https://http://www.facebook.com/growabc Follow us on Instagram: https://http://www.instagram.com/growabc

Gospel-Powered Partnerships | The Romans Series

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Mark Green • Romans 15:22–29

The Apostle Paul leveraged churches to help churches in Romans 15:22-29. It's amazing what God can accomplish when churches bless one another. Maybe we independent Baptists could learn a thing or two about lifting the burdens of other congregations. Maybe we should be more about working together than separating over silly things. Maybe it is more about cooperation than competition. Check out our website: https://allendalebaptist.org Follow us on Facebook: https://http://www.facebook.com/growabc Follow us on Instagram: https://http://www.instagram.com/growabc