
The Unshakables

The Unshakable Destiny Part 2

April 10, 2016 • Kevin McKenzie

What we believe about the future will deeply affect how we live today. In this sermon, Justin Chapman explores what it means for the Christian to understand the future according to the words of Jesus.

The Unshakable Destiny Part 1

April 10, 2016 • Justin Chapman

What we believe about the future will deeply affect how we live today. In this sermon, Kevin McKenzie explores what it means for the Christian to understand the future according to the words of Jesus.

The Unstoppable Mission

April 10, 2016 • Adam Mabry

God is on an unstoppable mission to love and save those who are far from Him. In this sermon, Pastor Adam Mabry explores Acts 8 and the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip. What is the mission of God? Furthermore, how do his people get on mission with Him?

The Unshakable Generosity

April 3, 2016 • Adam Mabry

The Unshakable Hope

March 27, 2016 • Adam Mabry

On this Easter Sunday, 2016, Pastor Adam Mabry explores the implications of the resurrection for the life of God's people, and how it secures for us an unshakable hope.

Pray Like Jesus

March 20, 2016 • Adam Mabry

What is prayer? Further, why does it matter that we pray? As Pastor Adam Mabry unpacks The Lord's Prayer from Luke 11, we learn that we pray best when we pray like Jesus.

The Unshakable Church

March 13, 2016 • Adam Mabry

The unshakable life can't be lived alone. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the why, what, and how of Christ's unshakable church.

Jesus Wants to Renew Your Reason

March 6, 2016 • Adam Mabry

Why has God saved us? What is the purpose of the Christian life? In this sermon, Pastor Adam Mabry explains the mission to which God has called the church, and invites us to allow Jesus to renew our reason.

The Unshakable Word

February 28, 2016 • Donny Fisher

In this sermon, Pastor Donny Fisher explains the power of the Scriptures, and how the life of a disciple must be built on the unshakable Word of God.

The Unshakable Power

February 21, 2016 • Adam Mabry

Supernatural power is needed to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the person and power of the Holy Spirit.

The Unshakable Way

February 14, 2016 • Adam Mabry

In this sermon, Pastor Adam Mabry explains the Christian way of life. In the face of a culture in which we get no brownie points for looking, acting, thinking, and feeling like Christians, Pastor Adam exhorts us to walk on the only unshakable path — the way of following Jesus.

The Unshakable Lord

March 20, 2016 • Adam Mabry

In this sermon pastor Adam explores the meaning of the lordship of Jesus Christ over all things. What we learn is that the Lordship of Christ is different than we think, broader than we know, and better than we've ever imagined.

The Unshakable Story

January 31, 2016 • Adam Mabry

Every one of us imagines our lives as part of some kind of story. Whether we're Marxists, Liberals, Conservatives, Bhuddists, or Naturalists, all of us take this story to be the "real" story behind all of life and history. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores the gospel of Jesus Christ, and explains why this is the only truly unshakable story for all of life.