
The Promised Priests

Cambridge, MA

December 15, 2019 • Adam Mabry

In the book of Jeremiah, God promises that a Righteous One will arise to create a people of righteousness who will spread God's presence throughout the world. As the people of our world search for meaning and satisfaction, who will share God's redeeming and fulfilling presence with our neighbors? In this first sermon of the Promise Kept series, Pastor Adam explains how we, God's people, are the promised priests who fill the world with the presence of God.

More from Promise Kept

Blessing of the In-Between

January 5, 2020 • Adam Mabry

Where can we find the good life? Money? Security? Fitness? Family? How do we discover that which can provide us with an eternal sense of satisfaction? In this sermon from the Promise Kept series, Pastor Adam explores Revelation to show that the good life is positioned between God's promises, amidst His presence.

Living Stones

December 29, 2019 • Donny Fisher

In this sermon series Promise Kept, we've been examining promises given by God found in Old Testament prophecies and exploring the ways in which God has fulfilled those promises through Jesus! Today, Pastor Donny digs into Zechariah to show that God is building his Holy Temple through Jesus, and we, as followers of Jesus, represent the stones of this temple.

Made Clean

December 22, 2019 • Adam Mabry

How do we reckon with God's call to perfect holiness? As humans, we know we're imperfect. We know we don't measure up to God's perfect standard, so sometimes we may try to cover up our imperfections like Adam and Eve or ignore the sins that are endemic to our lives. In this sermon from the Promise Kept series, Pastor Adam explores Isaiah 4 to warn us against mistaking "pretty" for "pure" and to urge to tap into God's cleansing power for our souls.